
the Belly

The belly is growing. And growing and growing and growing. I am the size now that I was when I was 6 months pregnant with Jacob! Oh well, I guess my body knows what it's doing! I have a couple of belly pictures, but not too many. I'll try to take more as the growth speeds up. The first pic here is when I first found out I was pregnant. The second pic is 10 weeks, and the last pic is 16 weeks. My, my how we've grown! (I'm now 17 weeks.)

As for gender, we are hoping Thursday we'll be able to tell. Can't wait! I had a favorite boy name and a favorite girl name picked out but Ben didn't love either one and I didn't like the ones he suggested. So today we finally came up with a list of 5 boy names and 7 girl names we both like. I guess we can narrow it down when we find out what we're having. Try them on for size and see how they fit, see what Jake thinks (though he's already decided "It's a brother and we are calling him Daniel.") We will let you know!


Unknown said...

Woo hoo!! Congrats on number two! How exciting :)

SAL said...

Wow! My belly is growing like that too! but unfortunately, I think I'm having a 12-pack.