Sweet little Annabelle is TWO!! We celebrated her birthday twice, because she is twice as wonderful as any little girl out there! (I might be a little biased.) We spent her actual birthday in Pinecrest with our neighbors/friends the Scruggs. We decorated the cabin, made cupcakes and spent the entire weekend celebrating her.
That apparently wasn't enough so we did it again this past weekend! We invited a few of her friends and of course our amazing family to come celebrate again, luau-style. She loved it! She wore her "grass" skirt, suffered through her lei for photos, and reveled in all the excitement. She is definitely a little party girl.
We can't believe how quickly the last two years have gone by. It would seem that it was just yesterday that I poked Ben in the side whispering, "Doll, I think my water just broke" and him popping up saying, "NO WAY!" ... heading to the hospital, and, after a relatively smooth delivery, holding that sweet, screaming little bundle for hours. Days. Weeks? It just went by way too quickly for my taste, but we have been having a blast.
Annabelle is quite the little character these days. She talks up a storm. I would say she talks more than Jake ever did at this age, but in looking back it would appear that maybe he actually said more, which is just shocking. She says EVERYTHING and sounds like a little girl when she says it! Not like a baby who just turned two! I really need time to slow down now. This is all happening way too quickly. My two little peanuts are getting so big. It's impossible to imagine where the last two years have gone!