We had a very fun Halloween this year!
It all started with our non-pumpkin-carving-pumpkin-carving-party. We had our good friends Sage, Scarlett, Joey, Elliott, Khiara, Tyler and Julianna over to carve pumpkins. Instead we played. It was actually a lot of fun, even if no carving happened.
Then we had perhaps the most chaotic visit to JC Penney for portraits. Good Lord that was an episode. The kids went in their costumes - Jake was Eeyore and Annabelle was Tigger - and we met up with Joey the dragon, Tyler as Handy Manny, Julianna the chili pepper, and Elliott the firefighter ("fire-fire"). We had the slowest photographer on the planet and I'm pretty sure her experience with kids was, well, none. Then it took her 40 minutes to upload our pictures for viewing (we were told 10-15) and when we finally looked at the photos, none of us could find one we loved. Of course she left us with about 10 to choose from (Total!!!) and none were that great. Oh well, it was the experience that counts. We had fun together all in all and the kids did look really cute.
After that madness Jake got to go with his friend Joey to a Halloween Festival at his (Joey's) school! He had a great time. Again the boys got to dress up and this time Jake got to see what Joey's preschool is all about. He loved it!
Finally we went trick-or-treating with grandma, grandpa, and our neighbors, Jonna, Gui and Khiara. The kids were so cute! It was raining so we didn't stay out long, but no one seemed to mind too much. It ended up being a very mellow night and Jacob scored way too much candy. Guess who else benefits from that?
We love Halloween!
(**this post is dedicated to joyce**)