We attempted to celebrate up in Pinecrest for the weekend. We had Jake with us. We had driven about 2 1/2 hours and were only 30 miles away when Jacob threw up all over himself in the car. It was so sad! Since we were so close we decided to head up to the cabin. We couldn't imagine making him sit in the car for another 2 1/2 hours home, on a Friday, prime traffic time!
After a quick stop at Wal-mart for all the essentials (thermometer, Tylenol, Pedialyte, Saltines...) we headed up the hill. As soon as we got inside the cabin, he threw up again. Poor guy. This happened a few more times. We were trying not to worry, and in between "bouts" he was actually chatty and trying to play. Then he got really pale, his eyes started to look really sunken, and he just wanted to lay down. He was shivering but his skin was super hot to the touch. As instructed by Kaiser, we took an average of three temperatures: 104.4, 104.6 and 104.5!! This was way too high for our taste, so we packed everything back up and headed back home that night. (Below is about the only picture we have from our weekend!)
Jake managed to keep some Tylenol down and with that went his fever - thank God! Of course that didn't happen until we were already back home at 1 in the morning. The next day he woke up totally fine! No temperature, eating well, active, etc. He has been fine since. That was the quickest bug ever, but I'm not complaining! Karen & Steve were kind enough to babysit the next night so Ben and I could go out and celebrate in style at La Pinata. We ended up having a great time and a nice, mellow weekend at home. The best laid plans, right? We're hoping we can have another chance up at the cabin some time this summer, before I get too huge! We'll see. We may have to wait until next year! But at least the little man is healthy and back in great spirits.